Wednesday, 9 October 2013

In Which I Become a First Year,

I'd like to use the excuse of this being my first experience with blogging to explain how awkward this introduction post will be, but actually I'm just not very good at talking about myself ! What I am good at talking about, though, is how excited I am to be embarking on a 3 year Game Art Design course at De Montfort University, in Leicester. After finishing an art foundation in June, this summer felt like it lasted forever as I waited to move down here from Liverpool !

My creative background could be easily described as varied - illustrative art, contemporary textiles and fine art are all pies I've had my greedy art fingers in. 3D work is something completely new to me, but evidentally I will never get bored of picking up new skills, and I'm really excited to learn something that as of right now I don't know even the basics of. My blog will be used to document my journey into the world of 3DS Max, along with all the other processes and techniques I will be learning throughout my 3 years on the course. Hopefully this will be as fun for you to read as (I'm sure) it will be for me to learn !

As I'm sure is obvious, I am a pretty big game lover. The vast majority of my favourite games are survival horrors and RPGs, but anything really beautiful, challenging or just outright cute will have me hooked. Gaming, along with art, is a lifelong interest and I am just as passionate about one as I am the other. For me, it's a way to immerse myself in a completely creative environment which is as interactive as it is exciting. In the future, I am hoping to be able to contribute to the gaming industry just as much as I have taken away from it over the years. Here are some examples of some of my favourite games !

So, watch this space as DMU crafts me into an ideal game artist. For now, I'm off to wrestle with 3DS Max, let the progress begin ! 

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